Electric experience
Naziv projekta: Poboljšanje proizvoda eX – electric eXperience i priprema za komercijalizaciju
Kratki opis projekta: Tvrtka 3 ca poboljšala je aplikaciju Electric experience na domeni electric-experience.com. Aplikacija je prilagođena zahtjevima tržišta te pripremljena za komercijalizaciju s radikalnim poboljšanjima. Potencijal ove inovativne digitalne platforme je u jedinstvenom načinu spajanja e-mobilnost s jedne strane te turističke i kulturne sadržaje uz gastronomsku ponudu s druge strane. Rezultat tog spoja je jedinstveni softver koji nudi različite usluge kroz organizirane jednodnevne pakete. Rješava se izazov traženja informacija o dostupnim e-vozilima, lokacijama za punjenje e-vozila, turističkoj ponudi u blizini. Aplikacija omogućava da korisnici sami dodaju usluge u paket. Finalna verzija aplikacije plasirana je globalno.
Ciljevi i očekivani rezultati projekta: Temeljni cilj i svrha koji se projektom želi postići je realizacija inovativnog naprednog rješenja eX koji predstavlja znatno poboljšanje u odnosu na alternative koje se nude, stavljanje istog na ciljano međunarodno tržište kako bi se ostvario planirani rast i osigurala održivost novoosnovanog poduzeća 3 ca d.o.o. u budućnosti. Projekt potiče inovativnost novoosnovanih MSP-ova za uvođenje inovacija koje su novost na međunarodnom tržištu.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 1.885.016,38 kn, EU sufinancirano: 1.358.543,40 kn
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 10.2019. – 03.2021.
Kontakt osoba za više informacija: Igor Cerinski (info@electric-experience.com)
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Operativni program konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020.
WWW Vaučer
Naziv projekta: Izrada i optimizacija poslovne web stranice
Kratki opis projekta: Tvrtka 3 ca izradila je poslovnu web stranicu na domeni 3ca.com.hr, optimizirala je i pojednostavila korisnicima način dolaska do ključnih informacija uz automatizirani proces tipiziranih ponuda radi povećane vidljivosti, snažnije pozicije na tržištu i veće konkurentnosti, sve uz efikasniju dvosmjernu komunikaciju s postojećim i budućim korisnicima te partnerima.
Ciljevi i očekivani rezultati projekta: Povećanje vidljivosti i jačanja tržišne pozicije tvrtke.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 141.000,00 kn, iznos koji sufinancira EU: 98.700,00 kn
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 10.2018. – 01.2019.
Kontakt osoba za više informacija: Igor Cerinski (3cadoo@gmail.com)
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Operativni program konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020.
We are specialized in business consulting, managing of innovative product development, strategic advisory, business organization and digital transformation consulting for the private and public sector clients. Our support follows customized training programs and is guided throughout preparation and realization of the business plan and idea or product presentation on the market. Proven skills have been confirmed over the successfull implementations of the clint’s visions in a detailed design of the expected results. Post-project analysis is focused on key performance indicators monitoring and possible improvements.
Our services are performed on high quality standard, providing unique proposition in innovation development and project management. Professional relationship is leading us to partnerships filled with mutual trust and satisfaction. Business solutions that we offer include the development and implementation of a business strategy, investment plans, business value assesments, improving business operations and implementing organizational changes supported by digital tranfarsormation. With integrated approach to management consultancy, we ensure fast and efficient value.
In the period when your ideas are beeing transformed into concrete projects, we are working on preparing and drafting needed project documentation that will meet all the requirements of a specific financing opportunity. Our support is directed to your vision that is turning into a reality, based on market analysis and ready to be presented to customers, partners and investors. Particularly, we care for sources of funding and we are actively following each user in a special way and with the most flexible models of compensation for our services. We are informed about the conditions for co-financing from EU funds, participating in the administrative implementation of the projects under EU rules as project coordinator, with full expertise in public procurement procedures and as marketing specialists.
We can emphasize the readiness and the ability to maintain individual training, mentoring, creative and focused workshops as well as seminars with the aim of gaining knowledge on the field of business development and project financing models at the early stage of entrepreneurship.
Our consulting services are based on profound knowledge of IT technologies, innovative corporate culture and the tools and skills needed in the process of digital transformation. Specialized legal knowledge has been complemented by long-standing IT experience in the field of start-up entrepreneurship and business to public sales model, organization, strategic planning, decision making advisory business development of new innovative products within the existing portfolio or entering new markets by disruptive models. We have results in managing multidisciplinary teams and managing local, regional and international projects on the highest strategic level, with various award-winning examples and with the recognition of communities, teams and organizations, equally in front of clients as well as in the ecosystem of partners and wider stakeholders in the observed industry.
Work experience is gained through working in corporate environment and in close cooperation with entrepreneurship at the early stage of business development, through regular presenting and panel roles, participating in key business and experts conferences in Croatia and abroad. Professional leadership orientation and participation in the management position of project, within line and matrix organizations has been transformed into the highest level of consulting services in more than 40 complex innovation delivery projects, all based on proven track record in the preparation, realization and supervision of special business operations. Complex transformation in innovative way has been directed gaining highest value for the clients and the market, enabling partnership with relevant independent and consortium business entities. Overall, our market position is a unique synergy of the business development support and the project management advisor, helping you face the challenges of domain digitization and innovation monetization operations . Over 10 years of experince in the Internet of Things technologies is the core advantage for the modernization of traditional industries.
Through professional career and top level of project management, with public procurement and international business development specialization, managing EU funded projects, business training and mentoring methods, we can embrace every technology related challenge of the start-up, SME and public authority.
High-level lobbying activities are conducted daily and based on the ability to access and understand communication with foreign and domestic specialized communities, chambers and investment groups. We participate in preparations, drafts, interpretations and reviews of strategic documents, legal and subordinate acts and action plans, as well as implementing operational level documents.
3 ca’s project application on Hamag Bicro Proof of Concept 7 call has been rejected, but our partners were succesful and their innovation concept testing is ongoing, supported by 3 ca
Project submitted on WWW voucher call has been awarded and you’re witnessing the result – our web site: 3ca.com.hr

WWW Vaučer
Naziv projekta: Izrada i optimizacija poslovne web stranice
Kratki opis projekta: Tvrtka 3 ca izradila je poslovnu web stranicu na domeni 3ca.com.hr, optimizirala je i pojednostavila korisnicima način dolaska do ključnih informacija uz automatizirani proces tipiziranih ponuda radi povećane vidljivosti, snažnije pozicije na tržištu i veće konkurentnosti, sve uz efikasniju dvosmjernu komunikaciju s postojećim i budućim korisnicima te partnerima.
Ciljevi i očekivani rezultati projekta: Povećanje vidljivosti i jačanja tržišne pozicije tvrtke.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta: 141.000,00 kn, iznos koji sufinancira EU: 98.700,00 kn
Razdoblje provedbe projekta: 10.2018. - 01.2019.
Kontakt osoba za više informacija: Igor Cerinski (3cadoo@gmail.com)
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
Operativni program konkurentnost i kohezija 2014.-2020.

We are specialized in business consulting, managing of innovative product development, strategic advisory, business organization and digital transformation consulting for the private and public sector clients. Our support follows customized training programs and is guided throughout preparation and realization of the business plan and idea or product presentation on the market. Proven skills have been confirmed over the successfull implementations of the clint's visions in a detailed design of the expected results. Post-project analysis is focused on key performance indicators monitoring and possible improvements.
Our services are performed on high quality standard, providing unique proposition in innovation development and project management. Professional relationship is leading us to partnerships filled with mutual trust and satisfaction. Business solutions that we offer include the development and implementation of a business strategy, investment plans, business value assesments, improving business operations and implementing organizational changes supported by digital tranfarsormation. With integrated approach to management consultancy, we ensure fast and efficient value.
In the period when your ideas are beeing transformed into concrete projects, we are working on preparing and drafting needed project documentation that will meet all the requirements of a specific financing opportunity. Our support is directed to your vision that is turning into a reality, based on market analysis and ready to be presented to customers, partners and investors. Particularly, we care for sources of funding and we are actively following each user in a special way and with the most flexible models of compensation for our services. We are informed about the conditions for co-financing from EU funds, participating in the administrative implementation of the projects under EU rules as project coordinator, with full expertise in public procurement procedures and as marketing specialists.
We can emphasize the readiness and the ability to maintain individual training, mentoring, creative and focused workshops as well as seminars with the aim of gaining knowledge on the field of business development and project financing models at the early stage of entrepreneurship.
Our consulting services are based on profound knowledge of IT technologies, innovative corporate culture and the tools and skills needed in the process of digital transformation. Specialized legal knowledge has been complemented by long-standing IT experience in the field of start-up entrepreneurship and business to public sales model, organization, strategic planning, decision making advisory business development of new innovative products within the existing portfolio or entering new markets by disruptive models. We have results in managing multidisciplinary teams and managing local, regional and international projects on the highest strategic level, with various award-winning examples and with the recognition of communities, teams and organizations, equally in front of clients as well as in the ecosystem of partners and wider stakeholders in the observed industry.
Work experience is gained through working in corporate environment and in close cooperation with entrepreneurship at the early stage of business development, through regular presenting and panel roles, participating in key business and experts conferences in Croatia and abroad. Professional leadership orientation and participation in the management position of project, within line and matrix organizations has been transformed into the highest level of consulting services in more than 40 complex innovation delivery projects, all based on proven track record in the preparation, realization and supervision of special business operations. Complex transformation in innovative way has been directed gaining highest value for the clients and the market, enabling partnership with relevant independent and consortium business entities. Overall, our market position is a unique synergy of the business development support and the project management advisor, helping you face the challenges of domain digitization and innovation monetization operations . Over 10 years of experince in the Internet of Things technologies is the core advantage for the modernization of traditional industries.
Through professional career and top level of project management, with public procurement and international business development specialization, managing EU funded projects, business training and mentoring methods, we can embrace every technology related challenge of the start-up, SME and public authority.
High-level lobbying activities are conducted daily and based on the ability to access and understand communication with foreign and domestic specialized communities, chambers and investment groups. We participate in preparations, drafts, interpretations and reviews of strategic documents, legal and subordinate acts and action plans, as well as implementing operational level documents.